Two of the largest categories of civil law are contract law and tort law. 民法中最大两个类别是合同法和侵权法。
Contract law which dictates how business should be conducted between parties. 合同法,规定合同双方当事人怎样进行商业交易;
Respecting social ethics is one of the basic principles of Chinese Contract Law. 尊重社会公德原则是我国合同法的一项基本原则。
The creditor's rights transferring is a system in our country "Contract Law", which has promoted the creditor's rights circulation and encouraged investing of creditor. 债权让与是我国《合同法》中规定的一项制度,对促进债权的流转,鼓励用债权投资起了重要的作用。
The application of labor contract law has been controversial. 劳动合同的法律适用问题,一直存有争议。
The relativity is one of the foundations of system and theories of Contract Law. 合同的相对性是整个合同法制度和理论的基础之一。
The development of modern contract law, in a sense, is the development of the contractual obligations. 现代合同法的发展,在一定意义上来说是合同关系上义务群的发展。
The "Labor Contract Law" in China improved and perfected the system of labor market in China, which is an employment-protection law. 我国的《劳动合同法》在一般意义上讲是一部“就业保护法”,其颁布实施的确健全和完善了我国的劳动力市场制度。
The Evaluation and Thinking of Anticipatory Breach of Contract System in the "Contract Law" of China 我国《合同法》预期违约制度评价及思考
Study on Non-Competition Clause in Labor Contract Law of Our Country 我国《劳动合同法》中竞业限制规定研究
Includes the law of property and trusts, family law, contract law, consumer law and tort. 包括财产和信托基金,家庭法,合同法,消费者保护法和侵权法。
The legislation value target of China's "Labor Contract Law" is to achieve the harmonious labor relations. 我国《劳动合同法》的立法价值目标是实现劳动关系的和谐。
Special areas of contract law such as labor law and insurance law have been partially codified. 特殊领域的合同法例如劳动法和保险法已被部分的编撰。
The new contract law of China adopted it to a certain degree. 我国新合同法在一定程度上采用了该制度。
As an unshakable creed of classical contract law, its important function is self-evident. 作为古典契约法的一个不可动摇的信条,其重要作用不言而喻。
There are still inadequacies in the success of the enforcement regulation of the Labor Contract Law. 《劳动合同法》中,有关劳动合同效力的规定有成功也有不足。
Civilian this regulation that tells an opinion and "contract law" medium creditor subrogation authority is same principle. 民诉意见的该条规定与《合同法》中的债权人代位权是同一原理。
Based on this, try this article on China's Contract Law disturbed system of defenses and make comments. 基于此,本文试对我国合同法的不安抗辩权制度做出评述。
Freedom of contract is the core and essence of modern contract law. 契约自由原则是近代契约法的核心和精髓。
He teaches courses in antitrust law, intellectual property law, contract law, cyberlaw, and jurisprudence. 他教授的课程包括反托拉斯法、知识产权法、合同法.网际法和法理学等。
"Labor Contract Law", promulgated and implemented, the controversy has not been followed to eliminate. 《劳动合同法》颁布实施后,争议并未随之消除。
Labor Contract Law only has procedural requirements on economic dismissal but not for other forms of layoffs. 《劳动合同法》仅对经济性裁员做出了程序性的要求,但对于其他形式的裁员并为做出程序性要求。
Although current Enterprise Bankruptcy Law, Labor Contract Law, and other relevant laws have stipulated clear treatment method on the cases, some concrete problems need clarifying and improving. 虽然现行的《企业破产法》和《劳动合同法》及相关法律法规中,对两种案件的处理方式已经有明确的规定,但还有一些具体问题需要更进一步的明确和完善。
Ascertaining the responsibility for breaking a contract is one of the most important rules in present Chinese contract law. 摘要违约责任追究制度是我国现行《合同法》合同法中的一项最重要的制度。
Good faith is a basic principle of Civil Law and contract law. 诚实信用原则是民法和合同法的基本原则。
This course of my current "contract law" as the basis, the system of contract law on the basic knowledge and basic theory. 本课程以我国现行《合同法》为依据,系统介绍合同法的基本知识和基本理论。
The Opinions will supplement and detail the Employment Contract law. 《意见》将对《劳动合同法》进行补充和细化。
The new "Labor Contract Law" system, and promote the new balance of labor relations. 新的《劳动合同法》制度,推动劳动关系的新平衡。
Based on contract law, the new law of taxation management has established the system of tax subrogation. 我国新《税收征管法》是在《合同法》的基础上,规定了税收代位权制度。
With the development of international associations, the application of the principle to foreign contract law has developed. 随着国际民商事交往的发展,这一原则在涉外合同法律适用中有了新的发展。